While in the U.S. to speak at an international Pharma conference, I sat down to speak with Alex on his journey from Physics to Statistics, his thoughts on scientists and programmers in Ukraine, the culture of Intego Group and ties to his country’s golfing community.
Born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Alex Babych is a budding star in the Biostatistics department here at Intego Group, working as a Statistical Programmer/Analyst. Growing up, Alex enjoyed math as well as playing football and golf. Following in his father’s footsteps he decided to pursue a degree in Physics at Kharkiv National University. After achieving his Bachelors degree in Applied Physics and Management in 2016, he changed his direction.
While making the decision to pursue his Masters in Mathematics, Alex discovered Intego Group’s Center for Biostatistical Programming located within the University (the program is available exclusively to students who are pursuing their Masters). Looking into the program and what it offered, he was confident it would provide a rewarding career.
Over the years, Ukraine has been growing into a destination for companies to find talented engineers and programmers – many of which have a Science and Math background. I was curious to hear Alex’s thoughts on why Scientists are gravitating towards this career and why they make such a great fit.
With a Bachelors in Applied Physics, Alex shares his thoughts on how this particular background impacts his job working as a Statistical Programmer/Analyst.
When the culture of a company is strong, it can impact a number of different areas including internal staff, clients and of course, how the people around you perceive your brand. From job satisfaction, retention, work ethic to client satisfaction, a corporate culture is a driving force for successful companies. With Alex recently reaching his 2 year anniversary here at Intego Group I was curious to get his take on the culture of the company.
Alex described the atmosphere as friendly and helpful. Coming into the company straight from college, he was impressed with the number of fun team building exercises as well as the willingness of people to help others.
“You can ask anyone to help you and no one will refuse!”
As I wrapped up the interview there was one last thing I had to bring up. Before arriving to the U.S. I was made aware that Alex had some special accomplishments as a golfer. He started golfing in his early teens when Ukraine received its first golf course in 2011. He loved how golf was more about challenging himself rather than an opponent and that each hole was more about accuracy than distance. In the video below, Alex shares a few of his accomplishments since starting the sport.