Thursday, June 6, 2024

New Frontiers in Clinical Research: PharmaSUG 2024 Recap

Intego Clinical was excited to present our latest advancements at PharmaSUG 2024, held in Baltimore, MD, May 19-22. This year’s conference drew over 670 attendees and included more than 200 presentations, hands-on training sessions, and e-posters.

Showcasing Our Expertise

Intego Clinical demonstrated our commitment to innovation in clinical research and data analysis. Our diverse team from Ukraine, Poland, US and Costa Rica brought a global perspective that enriched the conference’s discussions and networking opportunities. Through several presentations, we captivated the audience and highlighted our cutting-edge approaches:

  1. Bridging AI and Clinical Research: A New Era of Data Management with ChatGPT
  • Presenters: Illia Skliar and Dmytro Hasan
  • Overview: This session explored how ChatGPT can automate the creation of SAS datasets from study protocols, statistical analysis plans, and Case Report Forms (CRFs). We also discussed regulatory constraints and ensuring compliance with FDA standards.
  1. Visual Discovery in Risk-Based Monitoring Using Topological Models
  • Presenters: Kostiantyn Drach and Iryna Kotenko
  • Overview: This presentation demonstrated the use of topological models to visualize and monitor clinical trial data, enhancing efficiency and ensuring protocol compliance and patient safety.
  1. Bayesian Methods in Survival Analysis: Enhancing Insights in Clinical Research
  • Presenter: Vadym Kalinichenko
  • Overview: This session introduced Bayesian methods in survival analysis, highlighting their ability to incorporate prior knowledge and handle complex data scenarios, offering deeper insights and improved decision-making.

Connecting at Our Booth

Our Booth #200 was a lively spot where attendees met our team from Eastern Europe, the US and Central America, learned about our latest projects, and explored collaborative opportunities. The enthusiasm and curiosity of our visitors were truly inspiring and made the conference experience even more rewarding.

Celebrating Cooperation

PharmaSUG 2024 was an excellent platform for Intego Clinical to demonstrate our dedication to advancing clinical research. We’re deeply grateful to our presenters for their expertise and to all the attendees who engaged with us. Your participation and insights were invaluable and have sparked exciting new ideas and partnerships.

Looking Ahead

As we continue to innovate in clinical research, we invite you to stay connected with us and keep up with the latest developments. For more information or to continue the conversation, please find our contact details here. We look forward to participating in upcoming events like PHUSE EU Connect 2024 in Strasbourg, France and CDISC + TMF US Interchange 2024 in Phoenix, AZ. Together, let’s drive the future of clinical research and unlock new possibilities in life sciences.

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